Shauna Steinbach

Shauna Steinbach is visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY.


︎︎︎ CV

2024   Mentioned in “Five Highlights From Detroit’s Queer Art Biennial,” Hyperallergic

2024   I'll Be Your Mirror, MR/QD Biennial at Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Detroit, MI

2024   Artist in residence at Triangle, Brooklyn, NY

2024   Postcards from the Edge, a benefit for Visual AIDS, Berry Campbell Gallery, New York, NY

2023   Summer Sleep, two-person show with Amorelle Jacox at Anne Reid ‘72 Gallery, Princeton, NJ

2023   A Hollow Space in a Solid Body, group show at Myrtle Light Studios, Brooklyn, NY

2023   Work published in “Thresholds,” WMN (Issue 5)

2023   Awarded Eva Hesse Prize for Excellence at Hunter College

2022   Dedalus Foundation MFA Fellowship nomination

2022   Double Dip: Hunter College MFA Thesis Exhibition, 205 Hudson Gallery, New York, NY

2022   It's True What They Say, two-person show with Dante Cannatella at The Fireplace Project, East Hampton, NY

2022   Overflow Undertow, sound performance at Shift, Brooklyn, NY

2022   Seeker, group show with Zoe Buckman, Louise Fishman, Nan Goldin, Roxana Halls, Menika Lue and Kim McCarthy at TW Fine Art, Palm Beach, FL

2022   Ruth Stanton Scholarship awarded (2019–2022)

2021   We Were Already Gone, group show at Hauser & Wirth, New York, NY

2021   Untitled, written submission for We Were Already Gone exhibition catalogue

2021   Interviewed by Lorraine Robinson for Assemblage Journal

2021   Mrs. Robinson, group show at The Fireplace Project, East Hampton, NY

2021   Teaching Assistant, New Genres (Fall), Hunter College, New York, NY

2021   Co-curated Life as Activity: David Lamelas at Leubsdorf Gallery, New York, NY

2021   Teaching Assistant, New Genres (Spring), Hunter College, New York, NY

2020   Trust Fall, group show at 205 Hudson Gallery, New York, NY

2020   Teaching Assistant, Graduate Seminar (Fall), Hunter College, New York, NY

2019   Briar Cliff Review Exhibition, group show at the Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IA

2019   Two works published in The Briar Cliff Review (Volume 31)

2019   Participated in entheos cul-de-sac, a critical forum at PAM, Los Angeles, CA

2018   Los Angeles Plays Itself, group show at Malaspina Printmakers, Vancouver, BC

2018   Participated in Limited Domain, a yearlong live/work residency in Los Angeles, CA

2018   Feedback Loops, performance at Lyric-Hyperion Theatre, Los Angeles, CA

2017   Off the Wall, group show at Shoebox Projects, Los Angeles, CA

2017   On the Blink, group show at Elephant Art Space, Los Angeles, CA

2016   Le Droit d’Aimer, group show at l’Atelier du Coin, St. Etienne, France

2016   Void of Course, group show at The Feminist Center for Creative Work, Los Angeles, CA

2015   Invenzione, group show at Palazzo Cenci, Rome, Italy

2014  Print acquired by the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA

2014   Mentioned in “Portfolio: Initiation,” Art in America (October issue)

2014   Initiation, group show at Otherwild, Los Angeles, CA

2014   Attended Atelier Contrepoint, a three-month printmaking residency in Paris, France